lone blueberry in cup

Inspiration from a Lone Blueberry

I get inspiration from the strangest things! 🤣 Like this one tiny, seemingly innocent blueberry that some how escaped the blender blades and then attempted to plug my straw every time I tried to get a drink of all the other blueberries that died gracefully. This little blueberry caused me much frustration this morning. It […]


I Went to Heaven and This Is What I Learned

Two years ago tonight I was in the hospital and I’d just had an angiogram. It ended up being a four-day stay but on this particular night I was zonked out because the medication that was just supposed to make me “comfortable but awake” ended up knocking me out for about 10 hours. During this […]

fire - heaven and hell

What Flames Are We Fanning?

After some intense Bible study the past few weeks I had an epiphany 🤯 today. I heard something that I’d never considered before. What if… “Hell” is not somewhere we go but it’s more like a campfire of evil 🔥 that burns inside each of us. We choose to let it rage like a wildfire […]